Sorry it's taken me so long to get back on here readers. I feel like this past week has been a week where we just needed to take time and digest information and start making steps toward decisions, reflect and pray.
Over Easter we were told that Isaac's Mom has cancer. That right now there is more testing that needs to be done to figure out where the primary cancer is, and make sure it isn't spread through her body, but even where it's at right now the Dr said option wise it's looking like surgery and chemo are going to be what she has to go through.
And now we are waiting for her to tell the rest of her immediate
family. They are having their Easter this weekend so she wanted
to wait till after to say anything to them so as not to damper
anything. So in the next few days she will be calling them to let them know.
So I would ask you readers to pray for her. Pray for healing. Pray that her positivity remains. Pray for wisdom for her drs
to know where to go and what paths to take and that she would continue
to have strength in her spirit and physically. So for now we wait on
the results from the mri, ekg's ect;
This has been a little hard to digest. You hear cancer and your mind immediately goes to fears, worries people you know who struggled ect; She is remaining very positive and optimistic which is very encouraging. She got into a very good cancer treatment facility with a 95% success rate at adding 10 years to your lifespan when cancer is found. When she said that though all I was thinking was 10 better make it further than 10 years! I think we were all thinking the same thing. But at the same time we were encouraged by her optimism.
That being said now comes the time for us as a family to make decisions. Currently my sister in law is staying with her and can help but she is also looking for work in her field that may result in her moving away. They all live 4 hours away and we want to be able to help as much as we can/visit as much as we can after the baby is born since no one lives close by to help except friends who will do what they can but also have their own lives and their own families. But it's also made us realize how easy it is to take family and life for granite. We can't do this see family 1 maybe 2 times a year anymore. Family comes first. Loved ones are all that matters in the end. So the next several months are going to be full of prayers and petitions and seeking God for wisdom and direction for us and healing, peace and prosperity for them.
So that is what had taken place the past several days that has occupied our hearts and minds.
Today was a beautiful Sunday! We went to Church and they had the young college students leading everything and it was very nice. The day was just beautiful. The sun shining and the weather in the high 60s. Just perfect. I have to give a shout out to Isaac. I am so incredibly grateful for him. Throughout this whole this whole year, okay the entire relationship, he has constantly put me first. He has been so patient and kind. Always my rock when I feel worn down. Every day I fall more in love with him. I can not imagine my life without him. I wouldn't want to.
With everything that has happened the last 12 months I just feel so incredibly grateful to have him in my life. He is my everything. Today he went above and beyond the call of duty and it just made me realize I really just want to dedicate some time on here to him and how supportive and awesome he is. He may not have understood all the emotions that went with the journey of infertility, though he of course was part of it. When I was the one who had the issues and felt broken he stood by me. Instead of resenting me for it He cherished me even more. I will never forget what he told me that one day I was crying and venting to him the anguish in my heart. That I was enough. That when he married me he married me for me, not for the future kids we would have. That I was enough and that every day with me was a day he was falling more in love with me.
Today I was looking at all the yard work and stuff I wanted to get done knowing that I couldn't since I can't lift bags of mulch, mow the yard ect; anymore and he went out of his way and did it all. From re-mulching the flower beds, to planting lilies and a tomato plant I bought, mowing the grass to coming with me to pick up Twix(our dog) from the groomers since she is 80 pounds and 13 years old so can't get in and out of the car but has to be lifted....which I can't do. I was so grateful and proud. I was seeing our poor front yard that this past winter reeked havoc on and just wanted it to be pretty again and he did it all.
So here's to the man I love and a wonderful day off together: