Saturday, October 12, 2013

Home stretch

So I'm getting to that time so close to my endocrinologist visit!  I'm so close but so far away at the same time.  At least I'm working every day till then so it will make it go by so much faster than if I had to just sit and wait.  I called the office to find out if they were going to send me a script for blood work or just do it when I came in that same day.  They said since I'm a new patient they will just go off the labs from my referring doctor.  So hopefully that means I'll be taken seriously.  I found out they now want your tsh levels around 1.5 and mine were 5.67 so I'm pretty sure they will listen to what I have to say!  Hopefully we get this show on the road right away and I start noticing a difference.

I do have to say that without the vitex my temperatures have begun to rise...but I still get a few jumps and dips even though the rest remains somewhat steady.  Its getting kinda hard to tell though if I have anovulatory cycles or just a slow ovulation raise.  When I was taking the Vitex I was able to tell without a doubt. 

My Dr. told me to bring the bottle in with me let them see it and tell them I was on it when I took the last labs and would like to continue if they give the ok.  So we will see. 

Only two days after my endocrinologist visit I have my gyno visit where we will go over my charts and if she feels necessary run more labs and just see how things look.  I want to wait till my thyroid levels get in order before continuing the baby train.  Wish me luck!

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