Monday, June 15, 2015

39 Weeks...Will I make it to 40?

Last night Isaac and I had sex which slowly brought on contractions.  Nothing really big so I went to bed but then was awoken with very painful contractions throughout the night where I would have to get up and walk around or at least sit up in order to get some relief.   They were about 7-10 minutes apart.  So I ended up retiring to the rocking chair and putting on my hypnobabies and just allowing myself to try and zone out.  I got up at 8:30 this morning to get ready for my midwife appointment at 10:15.  When I went to the bathroom I had a rather large amount of what they call "bloody show" mucus plug where I had the regular mucus mixed with blood that was so incredibly thick and a little surprising.  I was still having contractions though nothing that was incredibly painful...just more like strong braxton hicks.  So when I went in today I decided I wanted to go ahead and be checked for my dialation and effacement so I gave in and had them check. 

I've gained 14 pounds still total.  I'm 2 cm dilated 50% effaced and she said my cervix is very soft.  She said there is still some mucus plug left but that a lot came out when she did my check so I might loose the rest of it in the next day or two.  But My blood pressure was high for my normal.  it was 140/86 then it was down to 130/80 at the end of the appointment which is still high for me I can't remember what I normally am but she said its pretty high for what I've been.

I'm honestly not concerned at all because I don't have any of the symptoms of it so I think it was just a little high no big deal.  They did a protein urine check and some blood work just to be safe and I'll get the results of those by the end of the day and I will have to go back in on Wednesday to have the blood pressure rechecked and if its still high they will send me to labor and delivery triage for testing. and then talk about maybe scheduling an induction.  But she said with the way things are going I'll probably go into labor before an actual induction would be scheduled since they'll have to monitor then do a 24 hour urine test ect;

She offered to sweep my membranes today to try and get things going but I declined especially since my Mom comes in on Wednesday and with all the signs of labor coming on its own if I can hold out then I will.  At my 40 week appointment I will say yes though if he's not here yet...but I doubt I'll make another week. 

He is sunny side up right now but she said they will still deliver him sunny side up but that it will make labor go a  little slower but that babies will continue to flip and they can turn at the last possible minute for that so it's not something they are concerned about but I'll be starting my hip and back exercises now try to give him room to turn.

Isaac is getting really nervous.  Not in a he's going to be a daddy type way but I guess antsy is a better term.  He hates that every time the phone rings he thinks it could be me telling him that I'm in labor he needs to come get me.  He hates me being at home right now by myself without him.  He wants to try and get thigns going asap so he will be there with us.  For his sake I pray it does happen that way so that will give him some peace.

Heavenly Father I just ask that you would come and give us your favor.  I ask that you would bring your peace to Isaac and myself.  Lord I know as much as we have our own desire for how we want these plans to go you know when you want us to be here.  God I ask that if it's your will I will contract and have my water break at night when at home while I'm with Isaac that way he has peace and we are there together.  I know it would make things so much better for him and myself as well.  You say you give us the desires of our hearts so this is what we pray Lord.  ~Amen
Here is today's week 39 photo:


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