Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day by Day

Mathew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

I just keep trying to tell myself this.  Step by Step and day by day.  It reminds me of the age old question:  "How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time."

Today is a good day, today is a day I feel like I am slowly making strides in this seemingly never ending challenge to start a family.  

Yesterday I got a phone call from my doctor.  She had a chance to personally review my blood work and go over the other symptoms I had listed.  She said she normally would have a retest done in 6 months since only one of the two thyroid tests done where flagged but some of my symptoms I have point to hypothyroidism and since I believe this is indeed the reason I am not getting pregnant the she will have me go see and endocrinologist to have my Thyroid checked along with having me schedule with an obgyn to go over my anovulatory cycles and other symptoms.  I'm not sure where this will lead but at least I am making strides in the right direction.  But now is just a waiting game for being able to get in to said appointment, I wont be able to go see either until October.  But she said if I happen to get pregnant in between now and then to call her asap cause she will want to keep an eye on my thyroid levels till I can get in to see the endocrinologist.  But I have a feeling that's not going to be happening since that's most likely what has been keeping me from getting pregnant anyway.      

I know that God sees the big picture, and I feel good knowing that I have a game plan.  If  all this works out then maybe everything else will fall into place super soon.  And If I do in fact have a thyroid problem it will explain a lot of things I've been struggling with and maybe help me lose some weight and get healthy and of course help me actually ovulate.  

I was really blessed and excited by the doctor taking time to really listen to me.  She even told me if at any point I have any questions or need anything else to call her.  

So I feel good.  Today at least.  I'm just trusting and believe that everything happens for a reason and every cloud does indeed have a silver lining.  Until then I will try to enjoy life, enjoy the journey and just continue to trust and believe that it will happen.

I know it might seem a little strange but knowing it's possibly my thyroid and possibly not an ovary/feminine problem makes me feel so much better and less like a failure.  I know in the end it's not something I can control either way but it gives me an excuse and I will gladly take it.  

At least I have lots of exciting things to look forward to, in just a few weeks I will be traveling to New York city with my Mom for a wonderful few days.  

Until next time 

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