Saturday, August 31, 2013

Pregnancy plans on hold

I think this post is going to be all over the place....I've been getting so incredibly frustrated the past few days.  Actually ever since I found out I'm going to have to go and get  on Thyroid medications it's been a up and down emotional roller coaster.  I think the main key is I am just so frustrated because I want tings fixed now and moving forward and I have to wait.  We decided to hold off on trying to get pregnant until we have this situation under control, obviously if it happens then we will be thrilled but we aren't going to feel stressed about it.    I'm not thinking its going to happen since I haven't been ovulating anyway right now.

But one of the weird things is I will literally just start crying at the drop of a hat.  I have been getting the dizzy spells more frequently, and after talking with other's who have thyroid issues all of this has to do with hypothyroidism and how my hormones are out of wack.

On the good side of things our insurance plan isn't actually going to change at all just our group number and id number since its from a new work place.  So on Tuesday I will be making lots of phone calls to the Dr's office to se up my endocrinologist visit. 

Yesterday I talked with my manager to tell her that I had to make an appointment and since its such a long wait list if they will be willing to move my schedule around so I can get in asap.  She was super understanding and as it turns out she herself has hyperthyroidism the opposite of what I have.  She asked me my lab numbers and did indeed confirmed that I have hypothyroidism.  She was able to calm me down and speak about how very easy it is to get under control and just made me feel a lot better.

I also joined a support group on for women who are trying to conceive who have thyroid problems.  I posted my numbers and symptoms and all of them said yes its definitely hypothyroidism.  As to the how quickly to get it under control its been different for each woman but looking about a few  months. 

At this point I am just praying that God would give me peace and help me to have it continually throughout the day and not up and down up and down. 

I think another thing is I'm trying so hard to just stay positive for Isaac, not only is he so worried about me, even though we know its an easy fix.  He sees me get dizzy he sees me tired and he knows that I'm stressed. But now we have to wait to get pregnant witch makes it even harder for us. 

He is just so good.  He is so strong for me and when he puts his arms around me and prays for me I know everything is going to be ok no matter what.  So I just try and keep a hold of these emotions and just take it one step at a time. 

So the first step is call the insurance company and the dr on Tuesday and get my appointments set up.  It will all work out. 

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