Sunday, October 18, 2015

4 months old!!

Sometimes I wonder where on earth the time went.  I remember I was so scared when I brought this little boy home.  I was so in love, so nervous, so grateful and everything in between.  I wanted to just know how to do things and how to relax without stressing over the smallest sound, yellow poops, snotty noses and so much more

No I've ever can really impress on you the way your life will change after you have a baby.  If course you expect to love this new family addition but it's so much more than that.  My heart mealts at every smile.  Joy overflows at every giggle.  This helpless little thing that relies skillet on you had just stolen your heart.  And you wake up every morning knowing you are blessed.  You are blessed indeed.

He's four months old today and I just can't believe it.  Time has just flown by so much.  He's doing things now that are having his personality show so much.  He is happiest when he can look around at everything.  When he can see what's going on.  He has begun to grab his toys and put them in his mouth.  He's sleeping mostly through the night, of course this helps me feel human again.  He loves to laugh and have your attention.  Which he definitely does.

It makes me want another one do bad.  At the same time my heart wants to take in the hiring, broken and less fortunate.  I would love to get plenary m prenatal m pregnant again if possible, but based on my chart I didn't actually ovulate at all last month though my periodi came on CD 31 and later only 4 days ( an amazing occurance in itself).  I still hope after the new year to get pregnant again.  But if for some reason we can not currently my heart is at peace with that.  I say that with such sincerity it suprises me.  But lately whenever I hold Ezekiel I get this overwhelming sense of peace and love and I think to myself you are enough.  Though I want more desperately if it doesn't happen then that's okay because he is enough

Thank you Jesus for my wonderful son.  Thank you for honoring and bringing to pass your promise to have him.  We are so in love.  Hello us to raise him up in the way that you would desire for us to.  We thank you Jesus for your guidance in that. I thank you Lord for your favor to rest upon Ezekiel.  That at a young age he will know you deeply.  That you would speak to his heart those things you wish to manner known.  Let him sell after wisdom and your heart.  I praise you for that Lord.  In Jesus name. -Amen

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