Tuesday, February 25, 2014

One down two more to go

So today I went in for my cycle day three blood work up and vaginal ultrasound.  Everything went by super fast.  The ultra sound tech was however having problems getting pictures of my right ovary.  She said she knew she was pushing and causing me discomfort and that she was sorry.  Actually the exact term she used was that she was pushing her way to China.  She then decided she needed to try and get a better picture from the outside, but that was in all less than 15 seconds...she literally lifted my shirt put the Doppler on my stomach and said no never mind this isn't going to work I was hoping to get a better picture but that's okay I got a picture from the inside.

So I hope by that she means a usable picture for the doctor because if she doesn't I am NOT paying for another one.

So now that cycle day 3's testing is done the next will be cycle day 21 and then the Surge confirmation tests.  So I talked to the scheduler to set up our sit down and talk treatments meeting and it wont be able to happen till the beginning of April because I have to wait for my Surge confirmation and since I ovulate so late that wont happen till around cycle day 25-28 and she will be out of the office the following week. 

I'm trying to just know that this is okay and for a reason but I keep seeing a clock with time just ticking away through my head and just want so badly to make it go away.  If I can't go in till April and if Clomid is actually what I need then it means I can not get treatment until the NEXT cycle begins.  So that means another two months!  I know I know I may be jumping the gun but still I do not like the prospect of waiting.  So I may ask about a trigger shot.

But on the bright side with the wait it gives me more time to put our finances together.  With the winter we are having this year we had our front steps and porch get some major ice damage so we are going to have to redo all of that, not exactly wonderful timing but that's okay.

I know my God is bigger than any bill that comes our way and He has provided for us miraculously over and over again. 

Doesn't mean I'm happy about the wait but it does mean that He has a reason for it.  I know when we finally hold our baby it will be His perfect timing and I'll be so glad things were not rushed.

God it's so much easier to repeat these things to oneself than to truly live by them.  I can not do this on my own I need your help.  I need you to just guide and direct me into the place that you desire for me to go.  We have asked you to open doors you want to and close those you want, and now I ask you to help us be okay with that.  Help us to not stress.  Help us to grab hold of that peace you give us every single day and run with it.  I thank you Lord Jesus.  In your Holy Name!Amen

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