Friday, February 7, 2014

Our Fertility Appointment

So we had our visit with the fertility specialist she was very very thorough and they gave us as much time as we needed for this I was incredibly grateful.  Over the next two months I have a TON of testing I have to get done but some of it had to wait till next cycle all in all it will be a full two cycles before we have all the answers and can get treatment

Apparently she was surprised I was diagnosed with PCOS on blood work alone she said with her looking at my labs she never would have started me on metformin without other tests since only a few of the things lined up with PCOS not most.  So she will do those and see if I do in fact have PCOS.  So I am to stop the metformin until she takes these tests. 
 Next week I will be getting done two procedures: a Hysterosalpingogram and a Sonohysterogram.  They are both somewhat invasive so I will be given antibiotics I am to start Sunday and then continue to take them for the week as I get the procedures done.  Then in two weeks I go for a 2 hour glucose test where I get to drink the lovely nasty drink then wait for two hours then have my blood drawn.

  Then once  CD 1 starts I have a Lot of other tests I have to do throughout the cycle.  On Cycle day 1-3 I go in for blood work.  Cycle day 21 an ultra sound then the first day of a positive OPK go in for more blood work and another ultra sound.  And I think I'm missing one but I have all the scripts handy.  They said its possible since I ovulate so late in my cycle to do the CD 21 and the = + opk on the same day***that is if I get a + by then***So after all these tests are completed she will meet with us again and decide on treatment.

My husband Isaac is getting his sperm tested this Tuesday...the same day as my sonohystagram.  So we will both be making visits to the clinic that day, just at different times.

I am so excited to be having answers done but kind of nervous on what will be found at the same time too.  I know in the end it will all work out though. 

Here are some videos I found on what the differen't procedures are in case people do not know:



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