Monday, April 20, 2015

Nesting or Spring Cleaning?

Well today was quite productive.  Not sure if spring cleaning hit me or nesting or both. But I could not stop my cleaning spree. And when I say couldn't stop I mean I would try to sit down then have to get right up to get back to it. I weeded a flower bed, swept, mopped, Windex the house windows, cleaned the bathroom, including scrubbing the floor, cleaned out the linen closet and reorganized. Then proceeded to scrub down the doors and walls. I just couldn't stop....oh and I steam cleaned the carpets downstairs yesterday and vacuumed upstairs today.

Then I felt it...the exhaustion hit.  I have the windows open at home its just so nice but so windy several of my wall pictures got blown off the wall.  I didn't even bother to stand up and get them.  I figured I would just get to them at the next pee break.  So needless to say I am very tired/worn out but feel very accomplished.  HOWEVER, I see dust that needs's like its sitting there mocking me.  But I forced myself to stay put.  I can do the dusting tomorrow.  Though we will see if I have that same energy.

We heard from my mother in law yesterday.  Thankfully the cancer is only in the one spot and doesn't seem to be too aggressive.  She will need to do surgery and chemo and possibly follow it up with radiation.  But they are not sure yet about that.  She meets with the Dr tomorrow to discuss time tables ect; so please keep her and our family in your prayers.

Today I hit 31 weeks.  It has just been flying by so fast...but in the best possible way of course.  I can't believe I have finally made it here.  In just 8 short weeks I will begin my maternity leave.

Speaking of preparing for baby coming I realize I have not given an update on my hypnobabies studies recently.  Well it is going really well.  I am now on the maintenance schedule where I listen to a different tape, alternating every day until I get to 38 weeks then I am able to listen to the one where it can begin to get you ready for labor/induce labor.  I think I might hold off on that one just because of how powerfully they have worked for me.  I really don't want to end up going into labor before my maternity leave starts or my Mom gets into town.  So I may start it week 39 instead of 38.

I also met up with my friend who is throwing me my baby shower and we were able to pick the menu, see the venue...go over a game plan on games, prizes ect and it was so much fun!  Can't believe that is coming so soon too!   And in just a few weeks my Mom and Sister will be here and I'll have a week to just relax, enjoy their company and try and recoup for the upcoming weeks till baby comes.

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