Thursday, July 16, 2015

4 Weeks Old

I can not believe how time already is flying.  Every day Ezekiel gets more alert and captures my heart just a little more.  I look back on the past four weeks and just see a huge difference in him.

And here he is today:  Looking at the mobile and so intrigued with it.

I love him so much.  I have to say though, I am so exhausted.  He must be going through a growth spurt or something because he almost constantly cries if he is not in my arms.  Even in the picture above I turned on the mobile had enough time to snap a picture before he started screaming.  No one else will do it has to be Mommy.  Which as flattering as that is it's hard to do what I need to do.  But I will try my hardest to cherish all of these cuddles since I know eventually he will be so big he won't want to cuddle.

I'm sure you can tell I'm tired.  But he is so very worth it.  Today as I was snuggling with him and he was gazing into my eyes I began to just talk to him and tell him all we went through to try and bring him into the world.  I look back on that journey and it seems such a whirl.  That heart ache, the suffering so worth it.  Though I would not wish it on any one and my heart breaks for those who are struggling.

Jesus thank you!  I can shout it from the roof tops the victory you have given to us!  I can shout it from the mountains how lucky and blessed we are!  You brought us the most precious gift we could ever be given and we are so blessed because of it!  Thank you Lord!  God help us to raise this little on in the way you desire for us to!  Let us teach him to make his own decisions and discoveries.  We thank you Lord that your hand of protection be upon him.  We thank you Lord!  ~Amen

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