Friday, July 31, 2015

Part 1

It has been way too long since I've been able to get on here and write to you readers.  Not for lack of desire.  Ezekiel has been going through his first leep for a little over a week now and has not allowed me to put him down AT ALL during the day without screaming bloody murder.  He just wants to be held and cuddled and honestly I will take all the cuddles I can get before he's so big.  He also during this time had been eating every hour and a half for about 20-30 min so definitely a nice growth spurt.  I weighed him yesterday and he is almost 10 pounds!  My little chunkster.

So the past couple weeks have been a little challenging.  Just feeling like I can't get things accomplished that I need to since this little man during the day will fight sleep as much as he possibly can.  Here is a picture I took a few days ago with him fighting his nap so bad...the actual nap lasted about 5 minutes.

He kept slowly closing then popping his eyes open.  Currently he is laying in his crib sleeping and this is a miracle.  He's been asleep now for 17 minutes and yes I'm counting! During the day the past week and a half I haven't been able to have him out of my arms for longer than 5 minutes before crying starts.  Therefor, I believe we may be coming to the end of the leap the past couple nights he actually slept pretty well with a 6, a 5 and a 4 hour stretch....though I hope that number doesn't continue to dwindle.  But that makes this the first me time I have had at all in the past several weeks.  So I immediately wanted to jump on here and try and catch you all up.

I had my own 6 week check up yesterday and everything looked great and healed and I got released to resume my normal activities.  So I hope to start running again very soon.  Isaac and I took the plunge and had sex, though I must admit my sex drive is NONE especially due to being tired all the time but it's more a hormonal thing.  I got my 6 week email about the baby it of course it mentioned you may soon be released to have sex but if you aren't in the mood don't worry its normal most women don't get their sex drive back for months especially if they are breast feeding due to hormones.  But Isaac was very good about not making me feel like I have to do it since we are released but I decided to go ahead and "get it over with"  so we took the plunge and it was actually very nice.  A little uncomfortable but nice. 

That being said little man has woken up..that lasted 26 minutes...hey its a start I suppose.  He has heat rash so we are trying to keep him inside and as cool as possible its just been so hot here.  I'll try to get on later and post a little more since I do have a lot I want to say. 

Here is his 6 week photo we took yesterday:

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