Sunday, July 12, 2015

Motherhood Is Sexy

Since giving birth three weeks ago Isaac has constantly been telling me how beautiful and sexy I look.  How much he loves and appreciates me.  Don't get me wrong I've heard this from him before I had a baby but now it's with renewed vigor and at least once a day.  My normal response is to laugh and tell him whatever, or make a comment on no this is not sexy, pointing to myself.  But today I had a revelation.  We were in the kitchen he was making breakfast and I just finished nursing Ezekiel but while nursing him on the one side the other side started it's let down(leaking) so I had both sides of my shirt soaking wet with breast milk.  My hair was a disheveled mess from being in a ponytail over night while wet, I was in old yoga pants and all around just looked like I belong on a website featuring people who shouldn't be out in public.  But today I had a revelation.  Isaac came up to me after cooking breakfast, took me in his arms in a big embrace, despite me warning him that my breasts just leaked and I'll probably get him wet, he kissed my forehead and told me how incredibly beautiful I look today.  I laughed at him and said one of my mocking responses about This not being sexy and I saw something flash in his eyes.  A hurt that I didn't believe him as he reiterated again how beautiful I was right then at that very moment.  And with that look in his eyes I realized:  Motherhood is Sexy.  

When you are running on two to four hours of sleep, boob's leaking all over your shirt, covered in spit up, hair in the likeness of a lion's mane, no make up and just all around a disheveled mess.  My husband still finds me beautiful.  And you mama's out there: You are beautiful and sexy.  There is nothing more attractive to a man than to see the love of his life taking care of the most precious gift he has ever been given.  His heart melt's at every kiss, every diaper change.  Every time you get up in the middle of the night to respond to that little cry his heart rests in peace knowing that precious gift is being taken care of and you become evn that much more attractive to him.

  Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.  The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.  Proverbs 31:11

So even when I'm feeling run down and worn out I am beautiful and sexy.  Even when I am covered in breast milk and spit up I am beautiful.  Despite how you feel right now at this very moment know that you are beautiful.  And I feel this works and stands true for everyone whether you are with your fiance, life partner, married or even a single mother struggling to learn how to do things yourself, even if you are married with older children.  Motherhood is Sexy and you are Irresistible.  So from here on out I will try to make the response a thank you and a smile.  Not a laugh in his face type situation.  

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