Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I am so grateful!

Last night Ezekiel slept for a 5 hour stretch then followed by a 2 hour stretch.  I needed this so bad.  For the past several days he has only been sleeping 1-2 hour stretches.  It was HEAVENLY!

That being said though I need to give a shout out to my amazing husband.  Isaac has been such a huge help in this tough time of sleep deprivation.  As soon as he gets home from work he would take Ezekiel, normally as he was screaming and tell me to take an hour or two to go lay down or get done whatever I need to get done.  So incredibly grateful for that. 

I can't believe it's been over a month since little man came into the world.  Every day I fall more and more in love.  I am so excited to have him.

Yesterday I took him and walked downtown to go meet Isaac for lunch and it was so nice to actually feel and look human again.  Since being on maternity leave I've only worn something other than yoga pants about 3 times so I took the time did my hair, makeup and dressed up a little bit.  We only went to subway but it was still so nice to get out of the house. 

Here is a picture of me walking with him to meet Isaac.

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