Monday, July 6, 2015

First Day Home Alone

Today Isaac returned to work and my Mom has been out of town for the weekend and will be getting back in tonight.  We started out with a cranky little man who was having gas trouble.  But after giving him some gas drops he was able to clear his system and calmed down.  We had a pretty rough night last night waking up almost every 2 hours being fussy but we made it through the night.  We are ready and waiting for Daddy to get home.  Sorry my mind is all over the place so this post is on the random side. 

Optimus, our boxer, is such a good protector always wanting to be there for him:

I also attempted to clip his nails for the first time and it went really well.  He was sound asleep at the time and I was able to just slowly go little by little and get them.  Though I was really nervous the whole time.

My milk supply has evened out now I'm attempting to slowly get a little more by pumping after almost every feeding and allowing my body to slowly be told to make more.  Though in the beginning I was way overfull.  So I also bought the ingredients I need to make lactation cookies and will slowly work to build up my supply. 

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