Friday, January 23, 2015

I felt him kick!

So today I felt Ezekiel kick from the outside!  It was so incredible!  I had to trick him a little bit by sitting on the couch then putting my hand immediately there for about 15 minutes before I finally felt him kick.  But then once he started I felt a lot of them.  It was the most indescribably amazing feeling ever!

I got home from work tonight and Isaac laid his hand there to try and feel himself.  He only ended up feeling a little flutter but I know that the stronger he gets I don't think he will be able to hide from us much.   Sorry for the cat hair on the pants my cat just got up and moved leaving evidence of his snuggles.

Either way it is just so incredible.  I did figure out that if I he's being too quiet I can just make a fruit smoothie(just straight frozen fruit and milk) and he loves it and starts going crazy!  Its just so amazing.

Tomorrow after I get off work Isaac and I are meeting at target to register for baby stuff.  So excited!

TMI alert coming-warning you now.  Since we found out my hemorrhage was gone we finally took the plunge to re-engage our sex life.  It was actually really nerve wracking.  I was hoping when we finally got released things would be better and we would love it and it would be amazing.  Well don't get me wrong it turned out in the end to be amazing but to start...yeah not so much.  It was a  little painful and with my stomach now kind of getting in the way a little hard to find the right position.  But we "persevered" haha and it all turned out to be amazing.  I'm so glad to finally be free.  I could tell Isaac was just as nervous as I was.  I swear it was like our wedding night all over again. 

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