Thursday, January 15, 2015

Only 3 More Days!!!

Monday!!!!  I can not wait.  At 8 am we have our Dr's appointment to find out if it is a boy or girl and to see our little nugget for the first time in 9 weeks.  I can not wait to see that little one moving all around. 

I feel the baby move now every day.  I sit down on the couch and it just goes crazy.   I have to say I think this little stinker is going to give us a run for our money on feeling it move from the outside.  I will feel it moving around like crazy so I will put my hand there to try and feel it and then it just stops...not flutters, no kicks(which feel like just tiny little pops those are not very often) nothing.  So I'll move my hand and in  a few more minutes I'll feel it move again so I try to put my hand there and nothing.  It actually makes me giggle.  Almost like it is trying to play hide and go seek.

I've been feeling really good.  I still want to nap in the middle of the day but i don't feel like I'm exhausted all the time.  I feel like the second trimester is going to be good for me.  I am getting my sweet tooth back but I'm trying hard not to give in all the time...but I have to admit it's hard and I've given in more times than I care to admit.

I plan on making gender reveal cupcakes to bring into work after the ultrasound on Monday in order to share with my coworkers if it's a boy or girl. 

Here is a picture I took a few days ago when I hit 17 weeks.  I'm not in a maternity shirt.  And I'm noticing they get really short towards the belly.  So far I'm up about 3 pounds....which I'm pretty proud of.  Hoping to only gain one pound a week right now but I'm starting to get the unhealthy cravings lately so I am also trying to combat that.  I still want fruit a lot so I've been letting myself enjoy oranges, apples and fruit smoothies for breakfast though fruit isn't exactly in season in January.  I've found some decent ones. 

Can't wait to share with you readers pink or blue on Monday!!!

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