Sunday, June 29, 2014

I hope it worked

I feel almost like a train that just trucks along down the track just going going going without stopping or even slowing down to take a break.  I don't know that "worn out" is the right term to use.  It's a little more than that.  I know I should be excited right now that I'm getting a chance to get pregnant but now I'm not even sure how to describe how I feel.  What ifs come to mind and all I want to do is think positively.  But sometimes:
What if it doesn't work?
What if it did work but I still don't get pregnant?
What if it doesn't work so I have to wait till next month only to find my estrogen levels are again too high so I have to go back on birth control?

I know I'm not suppose to worry about tomorrow: Matthew 6:34 "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."

I know this but its hard to keep those thoughts from coming to my mind.  So every day I feel like I'm just trucking forward.  One little milestone at a time.  I don't want to think about it so much I end up stressing out.  At the beginning of this treatment cycle I felt I was assured victory, why would God finally allow me to get to this point not to just give me full victory.  But now the nerves slowly are kicking in.  I think once I get a phone call to know if it worked or not I'll feel better.  

So I went in this morning for my cycle Day 12 ultrasound in order to check my follicle size and see if the medication worked to force earlier ovulation.  I should know by 3pm.  I am not really sure what I think they will say.  I know what I want them to say but I don't know for sure if it will end up working out like that exactly. 

God I know you see the yesterday the today and my tomorrow and your ways are so much higher than my own.  Help me to truly just place my trust in you, not just in words but in deeds.  I can not do it on my own.  I need help.  This train feels like its running out of steam and I know that I can't and I have to keep going.  But I also knwo that I am strong.  I am brave.  I am able to accomplish and overcome any obstacle that comes my way.  And every day I will move forward towards victory. 

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