Saturday, June 21, 2014

Started Femara!

So yesterday was my first night taking Femara.  I'm so incredibly excited to be beginning this journey.  I do have to say I had an incredibly interesting thing happen the night before I started it.  Warning: Here comes a TMI alert, those with weak stomachs who are grossed out easily....just go ahead and skip down past this next paragraph.

Well on Thursday night I ended up waking up at about 4 am and felt really sick and had incredibly painful cramps.  I went to the bathroom and threw up but my stomach felt better almost immediately but I still had painful cramps.  So I went back to bed but when I woke up for the morning I went to the bathroom and in my pad it appears through the night I passed a big portion of my Decidual Cast.  Apparently this is pretty common when you start birth control but I had never had it happen to me.  For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about here is a good website I found to explain it:
thankfully mine wasn't one of the grossly disturbing ones at the bottom of the page.  So at first I was completely freaked out but then after reading that felt a little better.

That being said I am so incredibly excited for this next chapter and it's all coming at a perfect time since today is our 5 year anniversary.  I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband who is always there for me and always lifting me up.  Now I can't wait to make a baby!

1 comment:

  1. The decidual cast begins to develop as the uterus is being prepared for the implantation process, with the shedding off and is taking the similar shape of the uterus itself. Read More At
