Tuesday, February 21, 2017

First Beta

I woke up this morning with quite a busy schedule.  I had an appointment to see the endocrinologist at 9:15 am for my thyroid, needed to get my second beta drawn today and wanted to get to the gym all before nap time.  I woke Ezekiel up got him ready and fed and off we went.  At the endocrinologist visit I was told that my levels had remained exactly the same since 3 months ago when we upped my last dose.  I told her I had just found out I was pregnant the day after the blood was drawn so she upped my dosage to 100mg instead 3 months ago I was at 50.  Hopefully this will actually help bring it back down some. 

By 2 pm still no call from the Dr's office on my Beta so I decided to call and find out myself.  They told me they had my first results only: 26.2.  This is lower than we expected she said.  But to me that number actually makes perfect sense.  Let's be honest normal people don't start testing till AFTER they miss their periods.  I start testing 10 days past ovulation (normally way too early for everyone) the test I buy have a sensitivity of 25hcg and if I got the blood draw within 24 hours(which I did) I say that is pretty much right on track.  And to be honest I'm also encouraged with the fact that the tests got progressively darker, my temperature had stayed high, no period and this morning and yesterday I got nauseous after I ate.  All good signs in my opinion.  When I shared this with the nurse she actually sounded relieved.  Like she was afraid to talk to me a little bit.  The hope/belief with these signs are that we just caught it really early then.  I had asked her if she got my results by the end of the day if she would please call me and she said she would try but that she would leave herself a note to call me first thing in the morning if she didn't get to it today.  I'm not going to lie I'm not too optimistic with that.  I know she will be busy and has a ton of stuff to do.  I hope to hear back first thing of course but I'm going to try also to be patient. 

I decided no more home pregnancy tests after that dark one on Sunday that I got.  I also decided no more temping.  Or rather when I was still spotting I took my temp and was about to look at it and just felt God say in my spirit to put it down.  To trust him that he had it in His hands.  I know that was the right thing to do.  I am afraid I would just obsess over the number and that right there is incredibly unhealthy.  I can't do anything to change the outcome over what is happening so I need to really and truly leave it in God's hands.

I keep thinking though already of ways we can announce to people.  Fun things we can do with two kids.  How we can arrange the nursery, ect;  And through all of this I am realizing I wanted this more than I realized.  I said I was 100% okay either way but now that it seems like it is really hear I am beyond excited.  I feel so at peace with everything.  Which that in and of itself says a lot. 

Don't worry readers I'll let you know what the second Beta is too when I can. 

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