Monday, February 20, 2017

Still Pregnant

I'm now 16 days past ovulation and so far...still pregnant.  I am having intermittent spotting off and on but no actual heavy bleeding or even bright blood at all.  I am feeling very confident and at peace with everything.  I have been getting little waves of nausea yesterday afternoon and today but I have to say part of me thinks maybe that is just in my mind since this would be too early for that wouldn't it?

Yesterday was the last pregnancy test that I am taking and it was actually dark(no denying it is positive).  I was able to see the progression of everything getting darker and this one was darker than all the others.  That was a relief.  On Saturday afternoon I had begun spotting more and cramping and really and truly believed my period was coming.  On the drive home from work I drank about 20 ounces of water and decided to take another test to try and put my mind at ease to see if my period was coming.  I got home and immediately took a test and it was barely positive.  So I was convinced that I was having another chemical pregnancy and my period was coming.  Turns out if you drink that much water with no hold it just won't show positive on the results.  Sunday morning came my temp rose even higher and no period so I took that other test and there it was.  Nice dark no denying it is happening.  I am pregnant.

How do I feel?  Partially like a hungry horse with a carrot dangling directly in front of me that can be snatched away any moment.  At the same time I'm at peace knowing that God is in control and He brought me this far He will continue to have his hand work in my life in one way or another.  What does this mean?  I'm cautiously optimistic.  I will feel much better once I get my beta results.  I will be doing my second beta tomorrow morning on my way to my thyroid Dr appointment.  So overall things will be going well or seem to be. 

After talking with my sister and Isaac I realize that I really do want to see the midwives throughout this pregnancy.  This morning I called to see if since I was on Clomid I needed to wait a certain amount of time before they would see me and I was told not at all and was able to book with them for March 10th for my first appointment.  This will be exciting but one of those the appointment seems so close but so far away moments. 

Lord I lay everything down at your feet.  I'm excited, I'm nervous.  But I choose to trust you.  I choose to lay it all down at your feet.  I thank you Lord for your guidance and direction in all of this.  In Jesus name.  ~Amen. 

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