Friday, August 7, 2015

7 weeks

Time is going by way too fast.  Today this little guy was all smiles and joy  7 weeks and 1 day old:

He definitely had me laughing today.  He was making the goofiest faces and just all around was a ham.

He was in an extremely good mood all day.  He didn't cry at all or fuss.  I think in part because he actually slept last night and had a pretty great nap this afternoon too.  He definitely is getting bigger he has only been eating ever 2.5-3 hours now and when he does eat sometimes it for 15 minutes other times for 30 either way he's growing and its amazing to watch him grow.  He did about 15 minutes on the activity mat today before he started fussing and he really was into what he was doing.  It's so fun to watch him learn how to explore and see the world beyond.  But time is going by way too fast.  I can't believe only one more month left off with him.  I know that sounds like Oh well you still have a month but it flies by way too fast.  I'm so happy to have that time but wish it would slow down a little too.  But before I know it he will be crawling, then walking, then talking!  Oh my goodness. 

As to how I'm feeling.  Better.  I think I have a lot to work on emotionally when it comes to Nathan but I'm ready.  I also think there might be some deeper seeded things that need to come to light and be healed when it comes to my relationship with my biological mom as well. 

So I'm excited to see where these things go and where it takes me.  I want healing and restoration in my heart and mind and I know it will come.  One way or another.

I looked at my wonder weeks app today and saw Ezekiel has a week before he goes through his next leep.  Hoping it's not a rough one.  But I'll snuggle him up and make him feel as safe as I possibly can. 

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