Saturday, March 25, 2017

Today has had some very unwelcome developements.  I guess though I have to start at the beginning which would have been late afternoon/early evening yesterday.  I went to the bathroom to discover really thick( and I mean thicker than I have ever seen it) cervical mucous with blood sitting on my panty liner.  I wiped with toilet paper and there was NOTHING.  No pink, no red, nothing at all.  To be safe though I called the midwives since they told me if there is ever even a hint of blood unless immediately after sex to call them.  I talked to the midwife explained the situation she asked if I had any cramping or pain which I did not.  She said really then there wasn't anything to be too concerned about.  That if I wanted to come in Monday to be seen I could or if I want to wait (if it doesn't progress) for my appointment in two weeks that I could.  I decided since there was no actual spotting that I would wait and see what happened with this and then make a decision.

Que today at work:  I began to actual spot.  No bright red blood thankfully and not as heavy as I had with Ezekiel when I was bleeding with him.  It is all light pink but it is almost continuous along with a heavy cervical pressure that comes and goes.  I don't know any other way to describe it.  I also have even MORE cervical mucous build up then I did before all accompanied with the pink/bloody look.  I called the midwives who are going to have me come in Monday for an ultrasound.  We are going to look and make sure that 1-it's not an ectopic pregnancy causing this 2- I don't have another SCH like I had with Ezekiel and 3- just to put my mind at rest.  She asked me if I have been having any cramping which Started early today and has been going off and on but to be honest if I think about it I don't know that its more or less than what I was having before only that I'm paying closer attention due to the fact that I'm bleeding and now watching out for any sign of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. 

So that my friends is my day.  I have to say I'm honestly amazed though.  Through all of this even when I saw that first sign of blood I wasn't freaking out.  I know that God has his hand in this, no matter what happens He brought us this far.  He knows this child by name.  He foresaw this from the very beginning.  I choose to put my hope and faith in Him.  Now this doesn't mean that I still am not running to the bathroom every 5 minutes or analyzing every twinge that takes place.  But I know that God is faithful. 

I will keep you guys posted.  I know you want to know everything! 

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