Monday, October 27, 2014

6 weeks today

Lately I have just been feeling so at peace with everything.  We had a pipe burst from the bathroom that caused water damage to come into the kitchen.  As frustrated as I was at the time I'm so at peace.  Then today at work I locked my keys in the car.  I just had to laugh about it as they were sitting there in the front seat just mocking me like "Hey look what you did!".   It's like every little thing that comes against me is just so miniscule in the big realm of things.  I'm going to have a baby!  It's as if nothing can get me down.  I am just so excited!

We go in on Friday to for our next ultrasound to see the heartbeat.  I am so ready!  It's going to be so exciting.  We plan on telling Isaac's parents over the weekend after we see it.  We haven't decided exactly how yet.  Isaac's Dad is on a missions trip in Jamaica right now and he will be flying back home on Saturday and his birthday is on Sunday so we are thinking about driving down(a 4 hour drive) to surprise them for his birthday the only thing is I work Saturday till 5 and we both work Monday so it's quite a long visit for such a short amount of time.  But I know it would be worth it.  So we shall see. 

God is so good and I feel so incredibly blessed.  As to how I feel for pregnancy things now: I feel pretty good.  Morning sickness hits off an on thankfully nothing very bad.  If I eat it seems to go away.   Of course I've had very tender breasts-the tell tail sign supposedly.  I've also been getting a decent amount of round ligament pain...not fun but it still makes me smile cause it reminds me there is another life forming and living on the inside.

I'll post more on Friday after we see the heartbeat. 


  1. You have such a positive attitude, I love it- lavendershoes from BCC ATTC.

    1. Thank you! Honestly it isn't always easy and I can't take the credit but it's been nice to have.
