Sunday, October 12, 2014

Greater is He

I can't explain the peace I have.  It's just so exponential. I don't have time to write a  full post right now.  But I had to share and I'll come back and edit tonight down below.   But I truly serve a  God  of  miracles  who despite everything is faithful. I took another  test today and here is a picture comparing the two.   So I am believing by faith my lil bean is growing.
 I'm still spotting off and on(not a lot at all)but I have so much peace.  If God wants this pregnancy to continue it will and nothing can change that  for He is bigger.


So now that I have a little bit more time I can actually go into some detail.  I called the Dr to tell them I am still spotting/bleeding on and off and that I was worried about not giving this one a chance to really stick if the progesterone isn't enough.  They called me back and said that at this point just to continue the progesterone I've been taking and we will wait and see what my numbers are on Thursday.  If it's going to stick it's going to stick and right now spotting can be completely normal. 

So for now I just wait and will be joyful that my tests are getting darker this time rather than lighter like it did last time.  I can't believe it.  I remember seeing family and friends tests that dark and just thinking to myself I can't wait till I see a test that dark.  Even with my chemical pregnancy I had that longing.  I just wanted to be able to see that beautiful pink line.

Over and over the story of the leper in Mark keeps coming to mind.  I think part of this is due to the fact that we are studying miracles and this in our Bible Study but it so applies:

Mark 1:40-42
  40 A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.”41 Jesus was indignant.  He reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” 42 Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed.

The past few days this story and that man's request has played over and over in my mind.  The man knew that Jesus could heal him if He was willing.  The same in this situation.  God will let this baby stick if he is willing.  He is bigger than every problem.  Nothing is too great for Him.  I serve a God of miracles and a God who has proven Himself time and time again to be good and faithful.

So nothing I can do is going to change the outcome.  So my cry today is God if you are willing, you can make this baby stick and let my numbers be whole and high when I go in Thursday.  

For now I'm just believing with all my heart that the bleeding was/is that illusive implantation bleeding that you always hear about...though I must confess this was NOT what I had in mind. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thats definately a positive pregnancy test no question.
    May the LORD Jesus protect that baby, and the mother :-)
