Monday, October 20, 2014

Beta #2-I'm so excited!

Things are looking so good!  I went in this morning for my second Beta and in the words of the Dr things are looking excellent.

My first Beta was 566 and that was at 16 days past ovulation today my Beta at 20 days past ovulation was 3306.  I'm still hoping for twins and I'm trying not to read too much into the numbers.  But this is falling into the twin range according to some of the websites:

Though on this particular testing they didn't use very many test subjects per test. 

I'm so excited about that prospect!  Though twins or no twins I know I'm having a super healthy pregnancy so far.  And believe and know it will continue.  And I will be thrilled to add the addition to our family whether one or two.  Today I've been getting morning sickness off and on.  We go in this Wednesday for our first ultrasound.  We wont see a ton but we will hopefully be able to see if there is more than one, though she said it could possibly be too early still.

I also had them check my thyroid and everything was good.  My tsh was at 2.39 and my t4 was at 1.02

I am just so excited!  In just two days I'll be able to see my little baby!  I am just so incredibly excited!  I don't even have words.