Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Good News!

So good news!  Isaac has a lunch meeting with a head hunter tomorrow afternoon and an interview on Friday.  He had a phone assessment today with a company to see if he would qualify for an interview with them and he did.  So all in all that seems pretty promising.  It looks like(knock on wood) in the next few weeks he will have an opportunity for more interviews coming up. 

So for now I guess my biggest thing is wisdom.  If he is getting more than one interview/option I want him to be able to make the best choice for himself and out family.  I know that some of the people he talked to said that it can take a few weeks for the interview process stuff to work out so we aren't expecting a miracle hire by next week but still its a step in the right direction and very encouraging.

So as of me....sleep.  It's all I want.  I just want to be able to sleep.  Lately with my sciatica has made that very hard.  On top of that I've felt so tired to the point of exhaustion and for some reason that makes it really hard for me to go to sleep.  But last night I there was a different reason I couldn't sleep: I woke up sick at 2 am(coming out both ends)  And just all around didn't feel very good.  This unfortunately kept me up for several hours.  It wasn't the flue thankfully:  I'm pretty sure it's what I ate.  I had seafood for one of the first times since getting pregnant just because I really wanted salmon.  I was thinking about it all day and I'm guessing it just didn't quite agree with me.  Poor Ezekiel started kicking like crazy after I was done vomiting my guts out.  I don't think he liked the feeling/sounds very much.  Not much I could do about it though.  Thankfully I felt a lot better in the morning enough to go to work though my stomach still felt a little off.  But I pressed on through.

I also did end up calling the supervisor for my case worker, didn't hear back yet still waiting but tomorrow is the day for my case to be closed.  So I guess it doesn't matter much either way I'll be hearing soon. 

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