Monday, March 23, 2015

We've Come So Far

Yesterday I found a journal that I had used to really express my heart back when we had hit almost a year of trying to conceive.  It was just a few months before I started this blog.  There was so much hurt, anger and discouragement there.  I feel it's important for me to look back on this journey and see where I came from. 

I am so incredibly excited and joyful with where I am now but a huge part of where I am now and why I feel so blessed to be here is because of the hardships and trials it took to get here.  I felt so incredibly broken.  I was broken.  My body never did what it was created to do until I was able to get the medical treatment we needed/wanted.

For those of you who have not followed from the beginning here is a link from the very first entry I made:

God you have always been faithful.  I read through those blogs, journal entries, pieces of scrap paper I find that I would take and just begin to write on because I needed to get something out before I would explode and I feel so grateful you brought us victory.  I'm not going to say I'm glad or grateful for what we went through and that things worked out the way they did....because even with this wonderful victory we have been given I would never wish that journey on anyone.  But I will say that I know I learned so much during that time.  You brought Isaac and I closer together and that in and of itself during trials like this is something huge.  You let us realize the importance of this and how wonderful your hand on us really is.

You have seen everything from the beginning, and despite how hard it was we know that you are in control yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Now we begin a new Chapter in more ways then just one.  Isaac starts his new job today, which also means our insurance officially kicks in today.  Yay!  I have to admit to looking at the clock all day yesterday and saying to myself multiple times okay just remain unhurt for this many more hours.   Ridiculous I know.  And on top of that today I have officially hit 27 weeks.  We are in trimester three!  It's just so amazing!  So incredibly awesome. 

How are things so far this pregnancy and how are you feeling are questions I get quite a lot.  Well I feel fantastic.  I'm starting to get tired again though.  And I now can't do some of the simplest things I used to be able to do.  For example I can't bend over and get things out of the back of the dishwasher anymore, or paint my toe nails, or even put socks on while standing up.  I can tell this next trimester is going to be a little more challenging then the others.  I'm so self dependent and never like asking for help, but Isaac is always there and always willing/wanting to help if I only ask.  I have only gained 10 pounds so far which is amazing in and of itself especially just with the fact that I have always gained weight so easily.  But I will take it and rejoice with it so hopefully it will fine/not too little when I go in to the Dr next week.  Though I thinned out everywhere else and I feel Ezekiel getting stronger every single day so I know he's growing.  Man how I love watching my belly move with his kicks and flips. 

Another hardship is I work 5 days a week and am on my feet all day, I sit down when I can but we are pretty busy and there is always something that can be done so that doesn't happen often.  But I notice that more and more that I'm on my feet the more often I'm getting Braxton Hicks.  They normally hit more fiercely on my 4th or 5th day working in a  row and it will sometimes be sporadic all day and other times a little too often for me to feel at peace/get comfortable coming every few minutes until I can stop moving.  If I'm able to sit down for an hour and put my feet up and drink water they always go away.  But I definitely don't think I'm going to be able to work full time like this up until my due date...but I'm sure going to try.  I'll just take it one day at a time and see how things come. And of course ask my midwife what she wants/thinks.

So for now here is my 27 week photo....the Third Trimester.  Man that just puts a smile on my face.  I can not believe that in 10 weeks I'll be considered full term and that his due date is in just 13 weeks. 

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