Monday, March 30, 2015

28 Weeks

So I didn't have time to write anything this past weekend with working and just exhaustion in general kind of creeping in.  But here is the story on what happened/went on.  I woke up Saturday morning to spotting again.  Yes AGAIN.  This time though there was actually a tiny clot along with just a lot of pink/bloody cervical mucus mixed in.  I didn't do anything that could have caused it.  We didn't have sex(the first thing my midwife asked).  So today(Monday) I will be going in to see them and hopefully we can figure out what's causing it.  She said it's very uncommon this late in the pregnancy to continue spotting without seeing any problems.  Ezekiel is healthy, super active, the placenta is where it needs to be...ect;  So I think the one possible explanation is the contractions/braxton hicks I have already been getting at random are causing a few of the blood vessels to break.  When I was laying in bed Saturday I had gotten up around 5 am to pee and there was no spotting I got back in bed and coughed once and my entire uterine area seized up for a good 15 seconds in a really painful cramp where I couldn't move or get myself out of the fetal position.....this is the same thing that happened last time I started bleeding back on March 2nd.  So thinking most likely it was that...but the fact that there was a little clot this time makes me wonder.......either way I have a very large list of questions I will be hitting them with.  After my appointment I'll Edit on this entry at the bottom on how it went.

~~~~~Edit: Went to Appointment~~~~~~

So I went and saw the midwives today and asked a load of questions at the appointment today.She they said the only two things they would be concerned about at this point with bleeding/spotting is: 1) Placenta previa which she knows I don't have she said actually my placenta is as far away from the cervix as you can possibly get.  2) Placenta abruption where there would be a tear in the placenta or it would tear away from the wall but she said if you have that the bleeding isn't just spotting its continuous and fresh.  So she thinks I just have a really sensitive cervix.  We hadn't had sex so we know its not from that but both times: on March 2nd and this past Saturday the day before or a few hours before I got a contraction/cramp in my uterus that lasted for several seconds after a cough or sneeze so she thinks the contractions/spasm I'm not sure what to call it are just breaking some blood vessels.    

She then measured my fundal height and checked his heart beat and everything seems right on track.  I can't believe it's flying by so fast!  Its April I have about two and a half months and I'll be holding my beautiful little boy!  

I now start going to see them every two weeks, I think this will be will I hit 35 weeks then I will go every week. 

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