Friday, May 15, 2015

Like an Old Lady

I really don't know any other way to title this post.  I am falling apart and it makes me laugh and is so worth it at the same time Holy COW!  My rib is definitely not just a plain pulled and definitely has something going on with that rib cage.  Any time now I cough or sneeze I can feel my rib pop out of place but then it pops right back in place.  That and it's accompanied along with the intense pain. Thankfully just a dull pain on a regular basis but if I take a deep breathe, laugh, sneeze or cough severe pain like I'm being stabbed in the side with a pop. And feels bruised from the outside constantly.  Can't put any weight on it while sleeping...I prop pillows all underneath me to cushion it.  Heat helps tremendously.  I had filled a sock pad . I think I'm just running out of room for everything.

In other news I did not really have a very restful sleep last night at all! 

TMI Warning

Since my stomach getting bigger sex hasn't exactly been on the table super often.  There are not a lot of comfortable positions to do it in when your carrying a 5 pound bowling ball type shape on your stomach, can't lay on your back ect;  Not to mention just the hormones maybe creating a lack of desire....okay no maybe about it definitely creating a lack of desire.  Well last night I wanted sex.  Like REALLY wanted it.  And this is the first time in over a month I have actually wanted it.  So we did and it was AMAZING!  One of the best orgasms I have ever had in my life.  BUT that being said I will NEVER want to do it again until we are ready to try and get Ezekiel to come into the world.  Why you ask?  I started having contractions about an hour later.  Not braxton hicks.  Actual contractions that would last 1-2 minutes and come every 15-20 minutes until 3 in the morning they finally died off.  So lets just say sleep did not come easily for me at all. 


Then this morning when I woke up at 6:30 I needed to go to the bathroom so I rolled over to go and got the worst charlie horse I have ever experienced in my life.  It was worse than the contractions.  My entire right calf muscle knotted up so bad you could see the little knots and my foot curled up into a handicap position.  I couldn't unfold it I couldn't lay it flat.  I started crying I was in so much pain.  I couldn't even massage it to make it go away.  Not fun to say the very least.  Not fun at all.

I told Isaac now that we know sex can make me have contractions once we hit 37 weeks maybe we should practice abstinence till we are ready to have the baby.  He said "Or we could you know just have the baby".  Which is definitely true but I really hope to hold out to 39 weeks so that my Mom can be there for the labor.  I know I really don't get much choice in the matter but I'm still gonna hold out with prayer and hope. 

So that's what is going on with me lately readers.  Hope you all are doing well yourselves.  I can not believe how close we are.  So very close.  I'm so excited but I feel like right now we are in the it's so close but so far away at the same time stage but I know it will fly by.

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