Saturday, May 30, 2015

Oh you know just timing contractions

First of all for all you pregnant readers definitely look into the app called contraction timer.  So easy to use.  So for the past several hours I have been having pretty constant contractions.  Spaced out anywhere from 3-5 min to waiting 10 minutes then back to 3-5 minutes.  They seem to start in my back then make there way to the front then to my back again.  Do they hurt?  Oh yes.  Do I think I can manage?  Yes I do.  When they first started I was getting them every 3-5 minutes and still needed to do my hypnobabies so I decided this would be a wonderful time to practice.  So I decided to do it and I was able to relax and be at peace during the contractions.  I also just went to the bathroom and saw some pink cervical mucus.  I'm assuming it's in part from the rest of my mucus plug that has been coming out and in part that I worked a 8 hour day booked back to back not stopping along with we had sex tonight for the first time in 2.5 weeks.  I wasn't planning on a orgasm during sex but it happened and low and behold on came the contractions pretty much immediately so I'm believing its all that and will go away in time.

But we are ready to welcome little man any time he wants to come into this world so we aren't scared at all.  I do think I'll be going to bed now and if I wake up with myself in full force labor then it's off to the hospital we go.

Our boxer has been acting really weird today though.  He was sitting about 4 feet away from me just staring at my belly, this is before we even had sex and the actual full on time-able contractions started.  I told Isaac to look at him and he saw it too he was just staring directly at my stomach. So I said Optimus(his name) whats wrong he runs over and sticks his head on my stomach then tries to dig his face in so hard that i had to yell at him to stop because it hurt he looked at me and tried again.  I told him to stop so then he just set his nose up against my stomach and just laid there.  And then after I started getting the contractions he has been following me around the house crying.  So very strange.  I'm not quite sure what to think about it.  But I guess we will find out soon enough if he's predicting labor or if he's just being a little extra clingy for some reason. 

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