Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Pushing His Way Out

Today I only worked for 4 hours.  I thankfully wasn't even very busy but by the end of those four hours I was so uncomfortable and in pain it was hard to walk.  He felt like he was trying to push his way out of me along with possibly laying on my spine at some points.  Not comfortable at all.  I only have 18 more days left of work.  But normally those days are 8 hours and jam packed to a point where I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it.

I can not believe how fast time seems to be flying.  In 4.5 weeks I'll be at my due date.  In just 1.5 weeks I'll be what used to be considered full term(37 weeks) but they are now calling it early term and then 39 weeks is preterm then 40-41 is term.  Which I'm still counting 37 weeks as full term since this is A-it's a semi recent change B- babies don't get that memo.  After 37 weeks its free game when they want to come since everything is fully developed.  I really hope he stays in there until I hit 39 weeks since my Mom booked tickets to fly up and I would love to have her here for when I go into labor.  But at the same time I will be ready and so excited whenever he makes his debut.  As long as he waits the next 1.5 till June 1st.  Once I hit 37 weeks I'll feel "out of the woods" so to speak.  It seems so weird to think that I have constantly felt like if I can only get to this date.  Now if I can only get to this date......soon once he's here I know it will be if only I could go back to that date.  I'll wish he was tiny forever.

So for now I will just keep on trucking along.  Trusting God that he is definitely in control and that His timing, His plan His everything will work out just how it should.

Here is a video of little man rocking my stomach all over.

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