Saturday, September 27, 2014

Still In The Race

So I went in for my cycle day 12 ultrasound and didn't have any matured follicles yet.  I have a total of 8 semi forming but only two are actually seeming to want to mature.  One measured at 11 ml and one at 12ml.  But I'm not out of the race yet.  I'll be heading back to the Dr's office on Monday and they will run blood work.  I'm assuming to find out if I am surging or to check my estrogen levels and what not.  I guess we will find out. 

I still feel good.  Frustrated but determined.  I just wish I could be pregnant and have that joy  of starting a family sooner rather than later.  I start to ask myself when do I say enough.  But not yet.   I don't want to give up.   I feel so at peace with where we are right now.   And for now I will just follow the peace.  It was one thing to say okay three sessions that's it then adoption, but I really am not there yet.  I want to do whatever I can short of  IVF (not because I do not believe in IVF, but because I would rather use that money towards something I know for sure would get me a family-adoption-verses just a chance.)   I'm not done running this race.  I'm not willing to give up yet.  One step at a time.  Deep breaths.  The slow and steady win the race.

Now  I just need the positivity to get through it. 

1 comment:

  1. I really wish you good luck and hope you get pregnant soon.
    I think it makes alot of sense when you say adoption instead of ivf, because as you said, one is just a chance but the other is a take home baby. Although both a long process.
    Good luck Devin
