Friday, February 20, 2015

Braxton Hicks

Tonight I experienced my first set of continuous braxton hicks.  I have had one or two here and there in the past week but I had about an hour with them going on a continuously every few minutes tonight while I was at work.  It wasn't painful just really uncomfortable.  I think in part because I had just eaten and was really full and having to walk around the salon made it even more uncomfortable.  However, it kind of made me pray that labor pains will be like that.  Since it wasn't so bad.  But I know that's just wishful thinking.

I also decided this morning to take a plunge and color my hair.  I've been thinking about it for a while and decided to scratch the itch.  Since I'm not sure I'll have the time or energy to do it after the baby comes so figured do it up while I can.  It might be a little hard to see from the pictures but I did a Platinum Silver on the top and just left the bottom with the multi pastel colors I still had.

We also got our rocking chair in today.  It is soooo comfy!  And apparently one of our kitties thinks so too.

It takes up a LOT of room.  Made me realize how glad I am the dresser we picked out is smaller so it will all fit in nice and cozy.

On the job front for Isaac still no news.  No new leads.  We are still fighting/waiting to talk with the school loan people and they aren't in any hurry to give us an answer.  So we wait.  I still have a ton of peace and know that God is in control of every single aspect of our lives.  Just taking it one day and one step at a time.

I have to say I feel like this week my stomach popped out even more.  I'll share a picture on Monday when I take my 23 week photo. 

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