Wednesday, February 25, 2015

School Loan Frustration

We FINALLY heard about the school loans for Isaac but what they said made no sense.  They said we do not qualify for lower payments or lower interest rate since we have never been behind on our payments there is no proof showing we are under financial hardship....despite sending in the proof of his lay off my pay stub ect;  They told us now if we default then we can resubmit everything and they will review it again and then we might be able to qualify for a lower interest let me get this straight.  You want us to NOT pay you, ruin our credit, accrue late fees before you will even consider lowering our interest.  So we started looking around for places to be able to consolidate the loans with other companies.  I wrote a pretty detailed letter under Isaacs name to every single customer service line I could find complaining about everything and letting them know we plan to consolidate with a different company due to this...if we aren't approved yet because of the fact he's unemployed that is the FIRST thing we will do as soon as he gets a new job.  As long as we make a payment every month for them it won't default so it wont effect our credit, but it's so incredibly aggravating and unprofessional.  I can't believe they aren't even willing to work with us on this.

Other than that things are going wonderfully.  Neither of us are stressed about this and we are blessed we can still pay all our bills and necessities without an issue, it just limits trying to put money aside for my maternity leave since we will be taking money out of savings for that unless Isaac gets something for that.  I still haven't gotten my medicaid stuff yet and I have a Dr appointment on Monday but the hospital said they can bill back since once it comes in it will be approved for March 1st.

I woke up a few minutes early today and was able to just put on worship music and start my day correctly by spending some time in prayer and it was so amazing.  I am still trying to just take things every day one day at a time and not let the negativity build up.

I have to say I love life now even with how frustrating things are.  I love feeling my little guy move every day.  I love my job, my co workers and look around and realize how incredibly  blessed we are.

I was very blessed my Dad bought us the dresser for the nursery for my Birthday this month!  So now we have everything we need and its all done.  I am just so excited!  Once that gets in there I will take a few more pictures for you.

Isaac took a 23 week full body picture of me today...though I guess technically 23 week 3 day

I would like to add I made BBQ chicken legs for dinner and it was amazing!! This is the first chicken dish Ive cooked that I'll was able to eat! So good.  Also I forgot to add I had another really creepy vivid dream last night:

It was that the milk ducts in my breasts were actually little holes in my breasts.  Like where the areolas are and the nipple is it looked just like a sponge and I started leaking milk out!  It was so gross.  So I woke up and was like Oh my Gosh whats wrong with my breasts and had to do a double take to realize it was just a dream.  Then of course breathed a huge sigh of relief.

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