Thursday, February 19, 2015

One Day At a Time

I'm so excited about the prospect of becoming a Mom.  I have prayed for this for years and now it seems like it's just around the corner.  I feel like part of that should scare me but I'm just so excited I'm not scared at all.  I'm excited for the new adventure and to finally hold the most precious gift any two people can ever be given.

Ezekiel is an extremely active little guy.  I feel him moving around all the time like crazy and making sure I know he is alive and well.  I love every second of it.  Every time he kicks my hand I have to laugh.  The other night as I was laying on the couch he started following my hand and kicking wherever I put it.  It was a fun little game and one that just made me laugh for joy.  I feel so blessed to be able to experience this miracle.  And that's exactly what it is.  A beautiful amazing miracle.

I have not been sleeping very well though.  Even with the pregnancy pillow my back kills me through the night.  I wake up constantly with my sciatic nerve feeling pinched.  Normally if I get up and walk around it will rectify itself pretty quickly but last night it did not!  I woke up with a painful back and have been up several hours without it going away.  So I took some Tylenol which thankfully has numbed the pain but hasn't quite taken it away.   But I'll go through this every day if I have to in order to bring this little guy into the world.  He is so worth it.  It amazes me how much in love with him I already am.  I know that he is the promise God gave us so long ago.  I know we were praying for twins but now that I'm where I'm at I'm so blessed and grateful things have worked out how they have.  Of course I can and probably will pray for twins in the future.  

On Monday I will be 23 weeks but here is my 22 week photo we took this past Monday.  So far I'm up about 6 pounds, which is kind of a relief that I'm gaining some weight, my Dr's were not concerned at all but still it's always in the back of my mind.  But I do like the fact I didn't gain a crazy ton like I was expecting myself to.  But here are the pictures:

I still have so much peace with our current situation.  I know that God has a plan and a job out there for Isaac.  How it will effect our future lives I have no idea but I know that whatever it does will be for the better.  So far he hasn't really had any leads.  He has had a few head hunters contact him and he has applied for 6/7 jobs so far.  And every day he continues to look for more.  So I know something will come up for us.

Until then I'll just have to continue to take it one day at a time.

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