Friday, February 27, 2015

Already Bonding

I always heard of the amazing bond between a mother and her child.  But now I feel I am beginning to experience what that really is.  I talk to him even as he's in the womb.  I'm already so in love and am so excited to be able to see him in the not too distant future.  Less than 4 months to go!  It's just so exciting. 

This morning I woke up and started getting some stuff I needed to get done for the day such as dishes, bills, cooking ect;  Then I realized I hadn't felt Ezekiel move yet this morning.  Which is pretty rare normally he will begin kicking me as soon as I sit down at the table for breakfast.  So I began rubbing my belly and carried a conversation on with my little man.  I told him it was time to wake up.  That I missed his movements and wanted to know that he is okay.  As I was speaking to him I was moving my hands around on my belly just trying to gently wake him up.  I continued to talk to him and just pour my love into him.  Well in just a matter of minutes he gives me a little kick.  And I just had to smile.  It was as if he was like its okay Mom I'm here but not ready to wake up yet.  But then within a few minutes he started his regular beautiful amazing movements. 

I am so very much in love with my little guy.  Just the other day I began thinking back on where we used to be.  I remember the emptiness and loss I felt.  I remember the jealousy and hurt and just feel so incredibly blessed. 

In just a few months we will be holding our precious baby boy in our arms!  I am just so excited and so ready.  The thought of labor doesn't scare me, it excites me.  Each contraction will just be a step closer to my beautiful little boy!  We are so ready.  We are so blessed.

Thank you God for hearing our prayers!  Thank you for hearing everything that we have asked and cried out for.  I didn't understand the timing....and the wait.  And to be honest even still I do not but I know you see the big picture and you see how well it will work out for us.  We commit everything to you.  Every penny, every day everything.  Thank you for entrusting us with the most important gift in the world.  Thank you!

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