Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Met my Midwives and Hospital Tour

Today Isaac and I both woke up under the weather.  He had some major hay fever, sneezing, watery eyes drainage ect;  While I couldn't put my finger on exactly what was wrong but my stomach hurt and I just all together felt not very good.  Isaac took some benadryl and went back to bed I got up ate food then decided to go back to bed too.  So then neither of us got up till a little after 1 pm this afternoon.  But I think we both needed it.

Tonight we had our meet the midwives meeting where we got to ask questions, hear about the practice and then tour the hospital, birthing center and postpartum rooms.  It was absolutely amazing.  I came up with a ton of really good information and it made me so excited to be able to have a midwife and to be able to have my wants and desires listened too.  Some of the things we found out where:

~There are 30 birthing rooms and each patient gets their own room which includes their own private bathroom, couch, ect; the baby never leaves the room and is always with you. And each room has access to a birthing bar and a birthing ball.

~There are 9 midwives and 1 Nurse Practitioner they all take turns being on call.  There is  always one on call for labor at a time and one who goes around the postpartum who is also available for delivery if there are more than two women in labor at once.  

~Each midwife does a 12 hour shift so most of the time you will have the same midwife unless your labor progresses really slowly then you may have two different ones.

~When you are in active labor you are only every asked not to walk around and sit still once every hour for 15 min while they monitor the baby and make sure everything is still going well with them.  But if that is too uncomfortable they do have ways to try and make it so that you are able to still move around.  Even with IV antibiotics

~With a vaginal delivery you are in the hospital for 2 nights following unless there are complications.

~They believe in delayed cord clamping(unless their is a medical reason for clamping quickly)  And they want you to immediately have skin to skin contact and try to get the baby to latch on and breast feed immediately or at least within the first hour.  

~Even if during labor something happens and you are forced to be moved to obgyn unit or high risk the midwives will still come with you and try and make sure your desired birth plan is done as much as possible.  

~The postpartum rooms-they try to move you two within two hours the baby also NEVER leaves the room without your permission, all babies have a bassinet that they stay in their with you and they are all private rooms as well.  

Everything was just so amazing and so wonderful and made me so excited to be able to be there.  It's going to be wonderful.

Today I had a little freak out/stress moment when once again for the second day in a row Isaac's school loan people had a 2 hour wait time to talk to someone and then they still don't call you back when you are supposed to.  Well for some reason I am assuming from accrued interest the monthly payments we owe went up by $100 a month for 2015...well we are already not going to be able to afford the previous amount now, and we still can't get in touch with anyone.  It's so annoying!  That's Isaac's only goal tomorrow to try and finally get in touch with them and not take no for an answer.  Every time we talk to them they keep saying it's still under review.  We turned in all these papers for review three weeks ago.  It's so annoying.  But I realize that no matter what, I need to try and stay positive.  Isaac is already stressing enough as it is about the future, the baby, and not working or having any interviews yet that I need to watch my tongue and not allow any of the bad come out even if my hormones are fighting to come out.  So that is going to be my goal every day to stay positive and be as supportive for him as I can despite how stressed I might feel. 

So that being said everything turned out really well today we are really excited and I feel so much better about everything.  Not that I was super nervous to begin with but still.  We are ready. 

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