Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Please don't let my period be coming!

So today I am only 10 days  past ovulation.  All day yesterday I was having slight cramps and twinges then this morning when I woke up I had a huge temperature drop and some extremely light spotting.  I'm praying so badly that this does not mean that my period is already on its way.  Even with the progesterone it will have only made it 10 days.  I'm hoping and praying that it jumps back up tomorrow. 

We were traveling to Niagara falls yesterday but it really shouldn't have messed with my cycle too much since it was just a 4 hour drive and didn't really  involve anything more than what ti would be like if I drove to visit my in-laws 4 hours away and that has never effected my temperatures.  So I guess I just have to wait and see what tomorrow holds.

So far no more spotting but I am still having cramps so I'm assuming my period is coming.  On the bright side if my period does come we will know:
A) we need a stronger dose of Femara
B) maybe a stronger dose of Progesterone too
C) We will get to do another cycle before vacation in August*we didn't know if we would start the next cycle early enough to get Cycle day 12 Ultra sound and blood work done beforehand.

Lord I know you already see the future so I just ask for the grace to accept what is coming. 

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