Friday, July 4, 2014

Triggering Today

So tonight I will be giving myself the trigger shot.  But my body has continued to show its own signs of ovulation so I'm believing that my little egg did actually continue to grow. So I'm really really excited yet slightly nervous at the same time.  I am trying to stay positive and optimistic yet realistic at the same time.  If I do get pregnant this month I will be overjoyed!  But I'm trying to not allow myself to think about that too much.

Today I looked back on some of my old posts and realize how much it has taken for us to finally get to this point.  So many roadblocks.  So many different emotions and frustrations.  I am so blessed to be here today.  I know that tomorrow I may feel discouraged or defeated but for today I will dance in victory.  I will dance knowing that:
1)I will actually have a normal Luteal Phase for the first time in my life
2) I most likely have an egg that will be released in optimal timing.
3)I only have to wait 2.5 weeks to know if it worked.  

Wow just thinking of that last one makes my heart leap to my throat in anticipation.  Part of me is scared but mostly just so excited.

I'm hoping I don't have a ton of side effects from the trigger shot.  I didn't have much with the Femara so maybe that's a good thing.

This morning we had our first "timed intercourse".  It was actually so awkward with all of my visitors in the house.  But we figured out a way to be least I hope we did.  I didn't get any strange looks at the breakfast table so I'm thinking it worked hahaha.  So we actually got up at 5:30 this morning to do it while everyone was least everyone should have still been sleeping.  And we will do the same thing again tomorrow morning.  

I hope these next few weeks fly by though my sister comes into town next weekend to visit so I have a lot to look forward to in my "2 week wait".

So keep your fingers crossed for me readers!

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