Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sticky little Bean

Today was the first day of my pregnancy that I was able to just keep a smile on all day without thinking of what ifs.  What good does worrying really do?  The spotting never returned from yesterday afternoon and my period never came. 

I know it's silly even after the 6 pregnancy tests I already took but I had to take another one this morning and of course it was positive.  I just couldn't wipe the smile off my face all day it was just amazing.

I am excited to go in on Tuesday and just have confirmation that my beautiful little miracle is forming.  I am so excited. 

I'm not taking any more pregnancy tests till after my Beta.  I am interested once I hear how much higher up the numbers go if I will get a darker line.  But I wont be buying any more.  I'm trusting God that He is going to carry me through the entire pregnancy for the full 40 weeks. 

On that note I am officially 4 weeks today.  It is just so unreal that I am pregnant.  I am so excited.  I can feel my body starting to have little changes here and there.  I'm really bloated but beyond that have little uterus twinges and what not that every time I feel it I know my little bean(s) are just getting super close and comfortably snug in my uterus. 

So for now it's just a matter of waiting until Tuesday to see just how much my little bean has grown. 

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